How to recover a deleted ad from Facebook? Find out details!


Knowing how to recover a deleted ad from Facebook is a common concern for advertisers who invest in the platform to promote their products or services.

Ad deletion may occur due to violations of Facebook's advertising policies, errors in content or in response to user reports. For advertisers, recovering a deleted ad is crucial.

In this article, we'll talk about the details of how to recover a deleted ad from Facebook, as well as extra tips for not losing an ad.

The process of how to recover a deleted ad from Facebook

The process of recovering a deleted Facebook ad typically involves reviewing the reason for deletion, followed by taking appropriate action to resolve the issue.

In many cases, advertisers can appeal the exclusion decision by providing additional information, changing ad content in accordance with the platform's policies, or seeking clarification on violations.

Understanding Facebook's advertising policies and following the guidelines established by the platform are essential to recovering deleted ads and continuing effective advertising campaigns.

How to recover a deleted ad from Facebook?

It is possible to know how to recover a deleted ad from Facebook, only if it was deleted by you in the last 30 days. If the ad was deleted more than 30 days ago, it will be permanently removed from Facebook.

How to recover a deleted ad from Facebook? Follow these steps:

  1. Access Facebook Ads Manager.
  2. In the left menu, click Ads.
  3. Click All Ads.
  4. Status column , click Deleted.
  5. Find the ad you want to recover and click Restore.

The ad will be restored and will appear again in your ad account.

What if I don't have access to an Ads Manager?

If you don't have access to Ads Manager, you can contact Facebook support to request your ad recovery.

To request ad recovery, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Facebook support page.
  2. Click Help with ads.
  3. Click Contact Support.
  4. Select the reason you are contacting support.
  5. Provide the requested information, including the ad ID you want to retrieve.

Facebook support will review your request and contact you if they need more information.

Tips to increase your chances of how to recover a deleted ad from Facebook

Here are some tips to increase your chances of recovering a deleted ad:

  • Delete ads only when necessary: If you need to delete an ad, make sure it's really necessary.
  • Keep a backup of your ads: You can backup your ads by exporting them to a file.
  • Make a note of your ad ID: The ad ID is a unique number that identifies your ad. You can find your ad ID in Ads Manager.

Can my Facebook ad be deleted by mistake?

Yes, your Facebook ad may be deleted by mistake. This can happen if you click the “Delete” button by mistake, or if you have access to your ad account and intentionally delete the ad, but then change your mind.

To prevent this from happening, you can take the following measures:

  • Always review your ads before clicking the “Delete” button.
  • Consider backing up your ads. This will allow you to restore the ad if it was deleted by mistake.
  • Keep your login information secure. If someone has access to your ad account, they can delete your ads.

By following these tips, you can help ensure you can get your Facebook ads back if you need to.

How important is it to recover an old ad?

Recovering an old ad can have several advantages and importance, depending on the context. Here are some possible reasons:

1. Continued relevance

An old ad may contain information or messages that are still relevant and useful to the target audience. When you recover it, you can leverage existing content and adapt it for current use.

2. Brand consistency

If the old ad was well received in the past, bringing it back can help maintain a consistent brand image over time. This helps strengthen brand recognition and recall among consumers.

3. Saving resources

Reusing an old ad can save time and resources as you don't have to start from scratch. With a few updates or tweaks, you can get effective results without having to create a new ad from scratch.

4. Nostalgia and emotional connection

In some cases, bringing back an old ad can create a feeling of nostalgia among consumers, establishing an emotional connection with the brand. This can generate engagement and renewed interest in the advertised product or service.

However, it is important to remember that recovering an old ad is not always the best strategy.

Before doing so, it is essential to assess whether the ad is still relevant and suitable for the current audience and whether it meets the intended marketing objectives.


The process of how to recover a deleted ad from Facebook requires an understanding of the platform's advertising policies and a willingness to follow established procedures to resolve deletion issues.

It's essential to review the reasons why your ad was deleted and, if necessary, take corrective action, such as changing the ad content to comply with Facebook's advertising policies.

In some cases, you can contact Facebook support directly to seek clarification or appeal the deletion decision, providing additional information that could help reverse the situation.

By following the tips presented in the text, you will certainly learn how to recover a deleted ad from Facebook.

Common questions when talking about how to recover a deleted ad from Facebook

  • Can I recover a deleted Facebook ad?

Yes, it is possible to recover a deleted ad if it has not been permanently deleted.

  • Is there any way to restore a temporarily deleted ad?

Yes, if you have temporarily deleted an ad, you can restore it by going to the “Ad Library” section in your Facebook ad account and reactivating it.

  • Can I copy or reproduce a permanently deleted ad?

You cannot copy or reproduce an ad that has been deleted from Facebook. You must create a new ad with the desired information and settings.

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